Taxonomy: Graphics

Graphics provide a rich set of services for modeling and rendering 2-D and 3-D graphics.

CommonPoint Application System / Application Frameworks / Application Services / Graphics

2-D Graphics Provide support for 2-D graphics, with support for geometries, attribute bundles, transforms, and high-level 2-D graphics objects.
3-D Graphics Provide support for 3-D graphics, with support for geometries, attribute bundles, transforms, and high-level 3-D graphics objects.
Colors Provide support for multiple color spaces and color matching.
Font Support Provides font rendering support independent of font format.
Sprites Provide support for bitmap animation.
Pixel Buffers Provide an abstraction for onscreen and offscreen pixel buffers.
Graphic Devices Provide basic capabilities for graphics device drivers, including rasterization, device transforms, and color mapping.
Displays Provide an abstract display screen.

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