
00001 import QtQuick 1.0
00003 // Main window of the example.
00004 ApplicationWindow {
00005     id: mainWindow
00007     // List view to display the output.
00008     ListView{
00009         id:listView
00010         width: parent.width
00011         height: parent.height-50
00012         model: listModel
00013         ListModel{id:listModel}
00014         // List view item is text with word wrap ON.
00015         delegate:
00016             Text{
00017             width: 360
00018             height: 50
00019             text: displayText
00020             wrapMode:Text.WrapAnywhere
00021         }
00023         MouseArea{
00024             id:displayTxtMouseArea
00025             anchors.fill: parent
00026             onClicked: {
00027                 menuList.visible = false;
00028             }
00029         }
00030     }
00032     // Add options and exit button at the bottom of the window.
00033     Row{
00034         y:parent.height-50
00035         x:0
00036         width: parent.width
00037         height: 50
00038         Rectangle{
00039             id:optionsButton
00040             color: "blue"
00041             width: parent.width/2
00042             height: 50
00043             Text{
00044                 id:menuTxt
00045                 text: "Options"
00046                 color: "white"
00047                 anchors.centerIn: parent
00048             }
00049             OptionsMenu{id:menuList; visible: false; width: 300; height: 150; anchors.bottom:parent.top}
00050             MouseArea{
00051                 id:menuMouseArea
00052                 anchors.fill: parent
00053                 onClicked: {
00054                     menuList.visible = true;
00055                     //menuList.
00056                 }
00057             }
00059         }
00060         Rectangle{
00061             id:exitButton
00062             color: "firebrick"
00063             width: parent.width/2
00064             height: 50
00065             Text{
00066                 id:exitTxt
00067                 text: "Exit"
00068                 color:"white"
00069                 anchors.centerIn: parent
00070             }
00071             MouseArea{
00072                 id:exitMouseArea
00073                 anchors.fill: parent
00074                 onClicked: {
00075                     Qt.quit();
00076                 }
00077             }
00078         }
00079     }
00081     // Listen to connections, update the display text.
00082     Connections {
00083         target: bluetoothex
00084         onShowMessage: {
00085             if(aSeperator == true)
00086             listModel.append({'displayText': "........."})
00087             listModel.append({'displayText': aDisplayInfo})
00088         }
00089         onClearDisplay: {
00090             listModel.clear();
00091         }
00092     }
00093 }

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