TPngImageInformation Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  TColorElements { EMonochrome = 0x0, EPaletteUsed = 0x1, EColorUsed = 0x2, EAlphaChannelUsed = 0x4 }
enum  TColorType {
  EGrayscale = EMonochrome, EDirectColor = EColorUsed, EIndexedColor = EColorUsed | EPaletteUsed, EAlphaGrayscale = EMonochrome | EAlphaChannelUsed,
  EAlphaDirectColor = EColorUsed | EAlphaChannelUsed
enum  TCompressionMethod { EDeflateInflate32K = 0 }
enum  TFilterMethod { EAdaptiveFiltering = 0 }
enum  TInterlaceMethod { ENoInterlace = 0, EAdam7Interlace = 1 }
enum  TPhysicalUnits { EUnknownUnits = 0, EMeters = 1 }

Public Attributes

TSize iSize
TInt iBitDepth
TColorType iColorType
TCompressionMethod iCompressionMethod
TFilterMethod iFilterMethod
TInterlaceMethod iInterlaceMethod
TBool iPalettePresent
TRgb iPalette [KPngMaxPLTESize]
TBool iBackgroundPresent
TBool iPhysicalPresent
TPhysicalUnits iPhysicalUnits
TSize iPhysicalSize
TBool iTransparencyPresent
TUint16 iTransparentGray
TUint16 iTransparentRed
TUint16 iTransparentGreen
TUint16 iTransparentBlue
TUint8 iTransparencyValue [KPngMaxPLTESize]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 80 of file PNGCodec.h.

Generated by  doxygen 1.6.2