Handling Callback Methods


When an application is registered to listen to the LLCP-link status, CLlcpProvider calls the MLlcpLinkListener::LlcpRemoteFound() method when two NFC-enabled devices with LLCP support are placed together and the MLlcpLinkListener::LlcpRemoteLost() method when the devices are separated. When the MLlcpLinkListener::LlcpRemoteFound() method is called, the data transfer is possible between the local and the remote devices.


  • Create a connection-object between the local and remote devices to send the "Hello World!" ASCII text.

    1. The following code snippet illustrates how the CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteFound method is implemented:


      // CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteFound()
      // From MLlcpLinkListener
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      void CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteFound()
          TInt error = KErrNone;
          MLlcpConnLessTransporter* conn = NULL;
          // Notify the UI.
          // Pointer of the MLlcpConnLessTransporter object is 
          // stored to the iLocalConnection member variables.
          if ( !iLocalConnection )
              // Create the MLlcpConnLessTransporter object.
              TRAP( error, conn = iLlcp->CreateConnLessTransporterL( KInterestingSsap ) );
              if ( error == KErrNone )
                  // Create a connection wrapper to send data to the remote device. 
                  TRAP( error, iLocalConnection = COwnLlcpConnection::NewL( conn ) );
                  if ( error != KErrNone )
                      delete conn;
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // End of CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteFound()

      Note: CLlcpProvider does not deallocate any memory block related to theMLlcpConnLessTransporter object. Clients can remove the MLlcpConnLessTransporter object at any time.

    2. The following code snippet illustrates how the CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteLost method is implemented. When this method is called, the data transfer between the local and the remote devices stops, and all existing MLlcpConnLessTransporter objects are removed.


      // CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteLost()
      // From MLlcpLinkListener
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      void CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteLost()
          // Notify the UI.
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // End of CMyOwnLlcpApplication::LlcpRemoteLost()