Category : Kern-Heap

KERN-HEAP panics are raised by the kernel when bad parameters are passed to kernel-side heap functions.


This panic is raised when the size specified for the new heap is smaller than the permitted minimum; it must be at least the size of a RHeap object. On the user side this is associated with the USER category; on the kernel side this is associated with the KERN-HEAP category.


This panic is raised in a call to the RHeap member functions, AllocLen(), Free(), FreeZ(), ReAlloc(), ReAllocL(), Adjust() and AdjustL(), when a pointer passed to these functions does not point to a valid cell. On the user side this is associated with the USER category; on the kernel side this is associated with the KERN-HEAP category.


This panic is raised in a call to the Alloc(), AllocL() or AllocLC() member functions of RHeap, an attempt has been made to allocate a cell from a heap, using an unsigned size value which is greater than or equal to the value of KMaxTInt/2. This panic may also be raised by the heap walker when it finds a bad allocated heap cell size. On the user side this is associated with the USER category; on the kernel side this is associated with the KERN-HEAP category.


This panic is raised when attempting to set a new debug failure mode on a heap with an invalid argument. For example, if aBurst greater than the KMaxTUint6 value when invoking UHEAP_BURSTFAILNEXT when a RHeap object is used for the user heap. On the user side this is associated with the USER category; on the kernel side this is associated with the KERN-HEAP category.