set exclusive use of tty
reset exclusive use of tty
flush buffers
get termios struct
set termios struct
drain output, set
drn out, fls in, set
get line discipline
set line discipline
set break bit
clear break bit
set data terminal ready
clear data terminal ready
get pgrp of tty
set pgrp of tty
output queue size
simulate terminal input
void tty association
data packet
flush packet
stop output
start output
no more stop output, start output
now do stop output, start output
state change of pty driver
stop output.
Start output.
set all modem bits
bis modem bits
bic modem bits
get all modem bits
line enable
data terminal ready
request to send
secondary transmit
secondary receive
clear to send
data carrier detect
ring indicate
data set ready
get window size
set window size
become virtual console
become controlling tty
pty: external processing
pty: generate signal
wait till output drained
modem: set wait on close
enable or get timestamp of last input event
set ttywait timeout
termios tty line discipline
PPP discipline
Netgraph tty node discipline
Netgraph Bluetooth H4 discipline