LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesMaxName |
Max. length of an item name.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesMaxUrl |
Max. length of an item URL.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesMaxUserName |
Max. length of an username.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesMaxPassword |
Max. length of a password.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesNullUid |
Null Uid; never assigned.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesRootUid |
Uid of the root folder.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesHomepageUid |
Uid of the Homepage.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesLastVisitedUid |
Uid of the Last Visited Page.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesStartPageUid |
Support for Start Page bookmark in the Browser. That bookmark is created in memory dynamically, and never exists in the database.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid |
Support for Adaptive Bookmarks Folder in the Browser. That folder is created in memory dynamically, and never exists in the database.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesRSSItemUid |
Support for RSS Item in the Browser. That item is created in memory dynamically, and never exists in the database.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesSavedDeckItemUid |
Support for Saved Deck Item in the Browser. That item is created in memory dynamically, and never exists in the database.
LOCAL_C const TInt | KFavouritesMaxPostfix |
Maximum length of the postfix that is generated for unique names. (Unique names are created by appending a (32 bit) number in parenthesis. The longest postfix therefore reads "(4294967296)" (12 characters).
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesNullContextId |
Null context id; keep this unused.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesApplicationContextId |
Context id for applications.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesImageContextId |
Context id for images.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesAudioContextId |
Context id for audio.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesVideoContextId |
Context id for video.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesGameDataContextId |
Context id for game data.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesRingingToneContextId |
Context id for ringing tones.
LOCAL_C const TInt32 | KFavouritesSkinContextId |
Context id for skins.