random.h File Reference

SetThreadRandomL ( CRandom * )

IMPORT_C voidSetThreadRandomL(CRandom *aRNG)

Sets a pseudo-random number generator implementation to use for this thread.

aRNGThe pseudo-random number generator to use.

SetThreadRandomLC ( CRandom * )

IMPORT_C voidSetThreadRandomLC(CRandom *aRNG)

Sets a pseudo-random number generator implementation to use for this thread, placing it on the cleanup stack.

aRNGThe pseudo-random number generator to use.

DeleteThreadRandom ( TAny * )

voidDeleteThreadRandom(TAny *aPtr)

DestroyThreadRandom ( void )

IMPORT_C voidDestroyThreadRandom(void)

Destroys the currently installed random number generator that is in use for this thread.

GenerateRandomBytesL ( TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGenerateRandomBytesL(TDes8 &aDest)

Generates pseudo-random data. Fills the provided buffer up to its current length, discarding any data that it may currently contain.

aDestThe buffer to fill with random data
Leave Codes
KErrNotSecureThe random data generated is not secure enough for cryptographic operations otherwise, leaves with any other system wide error codes.