cntviewbase.h File Reference

Enum TContactViewPreferences

View preferences for sorted contact views.

This is used to specify the types of contact item that should be sorted and included in the view and the behaviour for items that cannot be sorted because they do not have content in any of the fields specified in the view's sort order.

The default behaviour is to include contact cards only and to sort contact cards without content in any of the sort order fields using the first available field containing any text.

The view preferences for all concrete contact view classes can be retrieved using their implementation of CContactViewBase::ContactViewPreferences(). The view preferences are set during construction of a CContactLocalView.


Only contact cards (of type KUidContactCard or KUidContactOwnCard) are included in the view. This is the default.


Only contact groups (of type KUidContactGroup) are included in the view.


Contact groups and contact cards (of type KUidContactGroup, KUidContactCard or KUidContactOwnCard) are included in the view.


Excludes contact items from the view which don't have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order.


Includes contacts in the view which don't have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order. These contacts are placed in an unsorted contact list which is located before the sorted list.


Includes contacts in the view which don't have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order. These contacts are placed in an unsorted contact list which is located after the sorted list.


Fields containing a single white space only are treated as empty, and therefore unsortable.


Only ICC entries (of type KUidContactICCEntry) are included in the view.


Only contact cards and ICC entries (of type KUidContactCard, KUidContactOwnCard or KUidContactICCEntry) are included in the view.


Only contact cards (of type KUidContactCard) are included in the view. Own card not included.

NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CContactRemoteViewBase )


Base class for all remote contact view classes.

It implements all the pure virtual functions in CContactViewBase and additionally it handles remote view notifications. The data associated with remote views is allocated within the memory space of the contacts server. This means that multiple clients can share the same server side view object, thereby reducing the overhead associated with initial sorting of the view data and keeping it in sync with the underlying data. Remote views should therefore be used when the same view is likely to be needed by more than one client.