const TUint8 | KBTDefaultServiceSecurityNone | [static] |
KBTDefaultServiceSecurityNone Security setting for virtual serial port - in this case no security
const TUint8 | KBTDefaultServiceSecurityAuthenticateOnly | [static] |
KBTDefaultServiceSecurityAuthenticateOnly Security setting for virtual serial port The virtual serial connection will apply Bluetooth authentication
const TUint8 | KBTDefaultServiceSecurityAuthenticateAndEncrypt | [static] |
KBTDefaultServiceSecurityAuthenticateAndEncrypt Security setting for virtual serial port The virtual serial connection will apply Bluetooth authentication and encryption
const TUint8 | KCommHighUnit | [static] |
KCommHighUnit The maximum virtual serial port number supported ie. BTCOMM::KCommHighUnit is the maximum Bluetooth serial port that can be opened
NONSHARABLE_CLASS | ( | TBTCommPortSettings | ) |
Used to configure a virtual serial port. The very least that is needed to configure a virtual serial port is the Bluetooth device address of the remote, and the SDP UUID to use on that device.
This info can then be saved by the registry and retrieved when needed.
typedef TPckgBuf< TBTCommPortSettings > | TBTCommPortSettingsPckg |
Handy package to send TBTCommPortSettings over IPC