const TUint | KRemConCoreApiMaxOperationSpecificDataSize |
The operation-specific data field for operations in the Core API has the following format. For commands, there is 1 byte containing the button action. There is optional further data, depending on the operation itself. For instance, Play carries an extra 4 bytes of 'play speed' information. Hence the operation-specific data for a Play command is 5 bytes long. For responses, there are 4 bytes of 'results' data. This is followed by whatever operation-specific data was attached to the originating command (so that the client can identify if necessary what the response is a response to). Hence the operation-specific data for a Play response is 9 bytes long. A buffer size for Core API operations' operation-specific data.
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiResultDataLength |
Length of the results data in bytes.
const TLitC8< sizeof(" ")> | KRemConCoreApiResultPad | [static] |
String of same length as result data.
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiCommandDataOffset |
Offset for operation data for commands
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiResponseDataOffset |
Offset for operation data for responses
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset |
Offset of button data from beginning of data section. ie the offset of the data for commands is KRemConCoreApiCommandDataOffset +KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset. The offset of the button data for responses is KRemConCoreApiResponseDataOffset+KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset.
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength |
Length of the button action data in bytes.
Button actions.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ERemConCoreApiButtonPress | 0 |
A button has been pressed. |
ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease | 1 |
A button has been released. |
ERemConCoreApiButtonClick | 2 |
A button has been clicked. |
const TUint | KRemConCoreApiPressRefreshInterval |
Button press refresh interval. If the client wants to emulate a button being held down, they send a press. The client must re-post the press within this time, and continue to re-post at least this frequently, otherwise the bearer may assume that the hold has finished. The client may finish the hold by sending a release.
const TInt | KRemConCoreApiUid |
The UID identifying this outer-layer RemCon interface.
Operation ids belonging to the Core API. These values are not numbered sequentially as a facility to AVRCP, which may assume that they are numbered the same as the operation IDs in the AV/C Panel Subunit Specification 1.21 Table 9.21.
Speeds associated with Play APIs. These values are not numbered sequentially as a facility to AVRCP, which may assume that they are numbered the same as the playback speeds in the AV/C Panel Subunit Specification 1.21 Table 9.26.