Creating stylus pop-up menu

Construct the menu using the method CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL()in the class .

Note: The last parameter in the constructor is a pointer to the preview pop-up from which the stylus pop-up menu is launched. If you are not constructing a pop-up menu for a preview pop-up, set the parameter as NULL.

To construct the menu from a resource, use the method CAknStylusPopUpMenu::ConstructFromResourceL().

The following example illustrates a stylus pop-up menu opened in the location (not a preview pop-up) where the user taps with the stylus as well as the resource that defines the menu items:

Note: The menu is constructed only once: when HandlePointerEventL runs for the first time. Later the already constructed menu is shown again.

The following code snippets explain how to create and display Stylus pop-up menu:
  • Creating directly:

    // member variable point to the stylus Popup menu
    CAknStylusPopUpMenu * iPopupMenu ;
    _LIT(KItem1, "Item 1");
    _LIT(KItem2, "Item 2");
    _LIT(KItem3, "Item 3");
    _LIT(KItem4, "Item 4");
    enum StylusPopupMenuCommand
    	StylusMenuCommand1 = 0 ,
    // create object , “this” is a object implement the interface 
    // MEikMenuObserver
    iPopupMenu = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this , TPoint( 0 , 0 ) );
    // add menu item
    iPopupMenu->AddMenuItemL( KItem1 , StylusMenuCommand1 );
    iPopupMenu->AddMenuItemL( KItem2 , StylusMenuCommand2 );
    iPopupMenu->AddMenuItemL( KItem3 , StylusMenuCommand3 );
    iPopupMenu->AddMenuItemL( KItem4 , StylusMenuCommand4 );
  • Creating through resource file:

    RESOURCE STYLUS_POPUP_MENU r_stylus_popup_menu
    		items =
    					txt = "Menu Item 1";
    					command = EStylusPopupCommand1;				},
    					txt = "Menu Item 2";
    					command = EStylusPopupCommand2;				},
    					txt = "Menu Item 3";
    					command = EStylusPopupCommand3;
    // create object
    iPopupMenu = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this , TPoint( 0 , 0 ) );
    	TResourceReader reader;
                           reader , 
                           R_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU );
    	iPopupMenu->ConstructFromResourceL( reader );
    		// destroy reader