The code in this section sets the line cursor
margin and line and text cursor visibility. In order to display the text cursor, a window group must have been set when the text view was constructed. Alternatively, one may be set by calling CTextView::SetDisplayContextL()
. Before a line
cursor can be displayed, the line cursor margin width must be set and a bitmap line cursor must be specified.
The following code sets the line cursor margin width to 20 pixels and the label margin width to zero.
After the margin width is set, call CTextView::DrawL()
to ensure the line cursor will be visible.
Load in the bitmap used to represent the line cursor.
Call CTextView::SetCursorVisibilityL()
to select both cursors for display.
iTextView->SetMarginWidths(0,20); // zero label margin, 20 pixel line cursor margin iTextView->DrawL(iViewRect); // required to update the view // Set bitmap to represent line cursor. First load it in. iBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); iBitmap->Load(_L("\\data\\CURSORS.MBM")); iTextView->SetLineCursorBitmap(iBitmap); iTextView->SetCursorVisibilityL(TCursor::EFBothCursors);