Media Client Video Display Overview

This document provides an overview of the Media Client Video Display library that is used by the Video Client library in the Multimedia Framework component.


The Media Client Video Display library allows you to display video in a window and to support a graphic surface.

Media Client Video Display library details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short description



These files are used to implement the display video functionality and support graphics surfaces.


Media Client Video Display is a standalone library used by the Video Client library to support video display. This allows you to use video display functionality separately from the client utilities. The class diagram forCMediaClientVideoDisplay is as follows:


The Media Client Video Display library is a client interface to access display functions. The display functions are as follows:

  • Adding a new window

  • Redrawing the window

  • Setting the video data for automatic and specified dimension scaling

  • Rotating the video image

  • Clipping the window

  • Setting the video extension on the screen that is relative to the window.

The Media Client Video Display library allows you to perform rendering of video to graphics surfaces. It provides APIs to:

  • Create the graphic surface

  • Update the graphic surface

  • Surface parameters changed during video play back

  • Remove the graphic surface.


The key class of Media Client Video Display is as follows:

API Description


This class is an interface to add or remove video display windows. The CMediaClientVideoDisplay class supports graphics surfaces and provides display handling functions like video extension, scaling and rotation.

Using Media Client Video Display

Clients use CMediaClientVideoDisplay to:

  • Display video in a window

  • Support graphics surfaces.

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