Playing a Tone Sequence

This tutorial describes how to play a sequence of tones.

You have to configure DevSound for playing a tone sequence.

The following settings can be configured before or during tone play:

  • Call the CMMFDevSound::PlayToneSequenceL(const TDesC8 &) function to start playing a tone sequence. This method has one parameter, &aData, the tone sequence that is to be played.

  • Call the MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished(TInt) function to complete successfully a tone sequence playing. If a tone sequence is not valid, MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished(TInt) returns with an error of KErrCorrupt. Note: Further calls to CMMFDevSound::PlayToneSequenceL(const TDesC8 &) can be made both before and after the MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished(TInt) callback is received.