e32std.h File Reference

Typedef TLex

typedef TLex16 TLex

Provides access to general string-parsing functions suitable for numeric format conversions and syntactical-element parsing.

It maps directly to either a TLex16 for a Unicode build or a TLex8 for a non-Unicode build.

The build independent type should always be used unless an explicit 16 bit or 8 bit build variant is required.



Typedef TLexMark

typedef TLexMark16 TLexMark

Defines the extraction mark used by the TLex classes to indicate the current lexical element being analysed.

It maps directly to either a TLexMark16 for a Unicode build or a TLexMark8 for a non-Unicode build.

The build independent type should always be used unless an explicit 16 bit or 8 bit build variant is required.

Typedef TTlsCleanupHandler

typedef void(*TTlsCleanupHandler