Localisable icon/caption definition files

These files define the following information required by the application launcher or system shell:

  • the application’s caption. This is often displayed beside the icon in the application launcher, and is usually the application’s name,

  • an optional short version of the caption. This is used by some UIs in situations where screen space is limited,

  • the name of the icon file,

  • for view-based applications, optional information about the views, including view-specific captions and icons. This feature may not be supported by all UIs.

  • an optional application group name. This may also be defined in the registration file. If it is defined in both files, the localisable version takes precedence.

This information is defined using a LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO resource struct, see AppInfo.rh. This resource can either be defined in a icon/caption definition resource file, or in the application's UI resource file, if it has one.

This choice of two methods is provided to give flexibility. For instance:

  • applications without any UI resources but which require icons/captions might need to use an icon/caption definition file,

  • applications with UI resources that do not need to be localised, but which require multiple captions, would use a single UI resource file, but several language-dependent icon/caption definition files,

  • for applications with localisable UI resources and different captions for different languages, it may be more convenient to define the caption/icon information in the UI resource files instead of using icon/caption definition files.

Localisable information is optional. A set of default icons are provided by the GUI, and the default caption is the application name.