headers in a WSP buffer
TWspField object holds the name and value pair
of the WSP header field. TWspHeaderSegmenter pulls the header
/ value pair out of the WSP buffer (into TWspField). Call TWspHeaderSegmenter::NextL() to
iterate through the WSP buffer. It calls TWspPrimitiveDecoder.
CWspHeaderEncoder allows you to encode
the values and parameters of the header field. It creates one header at a
time from the name / value pairs.
The following are the steps to encode the WSP header:
Create a header encoder object.
//creates a pointer to CWspHeaderEncoder object
CWspHeaderEncoder* primEncoder = CWspHeaderEncoder::NewLC();
Start a new encoded header to encode the parameter value.
// start a new encoded header
Call CWspHeaderEncoder::StartValueLengthL() to calculate
the length of encodings that are added subsequently. The value calculated,
is stored as part of the encoded string, as specified in the WSP standard.
Encode the header field and add it to the encoded field.
Note: The appropriate WSP method is used for encoding the header
field of a data type such as integer, date, text string and so on.
_LIT8(KString, "WSP Encode: String");
TDateTime time(2006,EMarch,20,06,36,30,000000); //create a date time object
primEncoder->AddDateL(time); // add
TUInt intVal=489;
_LIT8(KTokenText, "WSP Encode: Token Text");
Call CWspHeaderEncoder::EndValuesLengthL() at the
time of header construction when ValueLength can be calculated.
Assuming that the length of the header encodings has been calculated
and added to the encoder field, call CWspHeaderEncoder::EndValuesLengthL().
Call CWspHeaderEncoder::EndHeaderL(), to complete
the header encoding. This completes and returns the encoded header field's
8 bit buffer. EndHeaderL() panics if EndValueLengthL() is
not called after CWspHeaderEncoder::StartValueLengthL().
HBufC8* buf = primEncoder->EndHeaderL();
This returns a pointer to the buffer containing the encoded