The code below depicts how the source file "input.doc" file is converted to target file "output.gz".
/* * If input and output file names are not specified then it is assumed that * the file names are contained in a provided .ini file. */ void CEZlibEZipTests::DoEZlibGZipDeflateL() { RFs iFs; iFS.connect(); //Open the source file in read mode _LIT(KInputFileLocation, "c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\input.doc"); TFileName inputFile(KInputFileLocation); RFile input; err = input.Open(iFS, inputFile, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareExclusive); if(err != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(KOpenFileError); User::Leave(err); } //create a target file _LIT(KOutputFileLocation, "c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\output.gz"); TFileName outputFile(KOutputFileLocation); CEZFileToGZip *compressor = CEZFileToGZip::NewLC(iFs, outputFile, input); while(compressor->DeflateL()) { } input.Close(); iFS.Close(); }
The decompression of a gzip file can be achieved through the following the steps:
Pass the file to the constructor of the CEZGZipToFile class.
CEZGZipToFile::InflateL() is called repeatedly to complete the decompression.
The code below depicts how "output.gz" is decompressed to "input.doc".
/* * If input and output file names are not specified then it is assumed that * the file names are contained in a provided .ini file. */ void CEZlibEZipTests::DoEZlibGZipInflateL() { RFs iFs; iFS.connect(); //open output file _LIT(KOutputFile, "c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\input.doc"); TFileName outputFile(KOutputFile); RFile output; err = output.Replace(iFs, outputFile, EFileStream | EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive); if(err != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(KCreateFileError); User::Leave(err); } //input file _LIT(KInputFileLocation, "c:\\private\\E80000B7\\zip\\input\\output.gz"); TFileName inputFile(KInputFileLocation); CEZGZipToFile *decompressor = CEZGZipToFile::NewLC(iFs, inputFile, output); while(decompressor->InflateL()) { } output.Close(); iFS.Close(); ; }