This topic describes the classes that provide high level file system functions which can operate on files and directories located throughout a directory hierarchy and which can take some time to complete.
The classes provide services to:
scan through a hierarchy, upwards or downwards, returning a filtered list of the entries contained in each directory
carry out file management operations on files and directories in the hierarchy, for example, deleting an entire directory structure or moving a group of files
search for each occurrence of a filename in one or more directories.
File management is provided by CFileMan class. Its functions may operate recursively or non-recursively and accept the use of wildcards. Synchronous and asynchronous variants are provided for each of these functions and the use of the MFileManObserver protocol allows user notification to take place during the operation.
TFindFile and CFileMan classes support the use of wildcard characters. An asterisk indicates any number of characters, and a question mark indicates a single character. Note that in the context of these classes, * and *.* are equivalent and match to all files, with and without extensions. Filename matching is case insensitive.
Before using any of these classes, a connection to a file server session must have been made and is passed to the constructor of the class.