This tutorial exaplins hwo to restore email messages for sending in chunks.
The MTM that needs to restore message data from message store in chunks should get the CMsvPlainBodyText object using the InitialisePlainBodyTextForReadL() method of CMsvStore.
Set CMsvStore to the ID whose body text needs to be stored, and open it in the read mode.
Use any of the following CMsvPlainBodyText::NextChunkL() methods to get the email message in chunks:
TDes8 &aChunk
TDes8 &aChunk, TRequestStatus &aStatus
TDes16 &aChunk
TDes16 &aChunk, TRequestStatus &aStatus
The length of the chunk to be restored in a single call to NextChunkL() is decided by the MTM, when it initialises CMsvPlainBodyText for the read operation.
The retrieved message data can be sent by the MTM in chunks.