This topic describes the properties and its uses of system drive
Symbian platform allows a drive on a device to be marked as the system drive. The system drive is set up during device startup and cannot subsequently be changed. It has the following properties:
it is both readable and writable.
it is always available, cannot be removed from the device, and is secure.
it is non-volatile, which means that the drive is located on media such as flash memory or battery-backed RAM.
Typically, the system drive is used:
for storing persistent settings for system and application software.
for storing localisation resources.
as a default drive for user data.
as a target drive for installing software.
The system drive is identified by its drive letter. Use the function RFs::GetSystemDriveChar() to find the system drive letter.
If you also need to know the drive number, then you can use the function RFs::GetSystemDrive() to find this. However, getting the drive letter is the most common requirement.
[Note that in versions of Symbian platform before 9.2, the system drive number was fetched using the function BaflUtils::GetSystemDrive(). This function is now deprecated and should not be used.]