S60 Platform: Audio Streaming Example

This example helps the user in understanding the available audio formats supported and how to do audio recording using Multimedia Framework.


This C++ example application demonstrates the use of Audio Streaming API, which provides functionality for recording audio stream into a buffer, and for playback of the audio buffer. Besides playing, recording, and stopping the audio stream, the recorded audio stream can be saved into a file, to be played again later. The package includes PCM and AMR-NB encoded sample files. Audio Streaming API is part of the Symbian Multimedia Framework (MMF). The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMdaAudioInputStream, CMdaAudioOutputStream, MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback, MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback..

For more information, click on this link : Audio Streaming Example.


Click on the following link to download the example: MMFRec.zip file

Click: browse to view the example code.

Building and configuring

To build the example:

You can build the example from your IDE or the command line.

If you use an IDE, import the bld.inf file of the example into your IDE, and use the build command of the IDE.

If you use the command line, open a command prompt, and set the current directory to the source code directory of the example. You can then build the example with the SBSv1 build tools with the following commands:

bldmake bldfiles

abld build

How to use bldmake and How to use abld describe how to use the SBSv1 build tools.

For the emulator, the example builds an executable called mmfrec.exe.exe in the epoc32\release\winscw\<udeb or urel>\ folder.

Running the example

When running the example, the user is presented with various menu options that are self explanatory.