and Resuming Audio Record
The Pause() function stops recording audio, without
stopping the buffer traffic. If the Resume() function is
supported, you can then use it to continue recording. The buffer traffic continues
because the Pause() function does not terminate the MMMFAudioDataConsumer::BufferToBeEmptied(MMMFBufferSink
*,CMMFBuffer *) RecordData() cycle.
Call the CMMFDevSound::Pause() function to pause
the audio record state.
Call the CMMFDevSound::IsResumeSupported() function
to check that the Resume() function is supported.
If the resume function is supported, call the CMMFDevSound::Resume() function
to pause the audio record state.
Otherwise you must use the shut down stop function. For more information
about the shut down stop function, see Stopping
Audio Record.