This guide is adapted from material originally intended to accompany source code for sample front end processors (FEPs) TFEP1Plugin (a keyboard-based FEP) and TFEP2Plugin (a mouse/pen-based FEP).
TFEP1Plugin and TFEP2Plugin are available to Symbian DevKit licensees and may be found in the Symbian platform source in the app-framework\feptest\ directory.
SDK licensees do not have access to the source but must find sufficient information within the guide.
Note: Platform security that was introduced in Symbian OS v9.1, brought some changes to the way FEPs are created and loaded. Prospective FEP developers must note that FEPs now require a capability of All-Tcb and must therefore ensure that they are able to achieve this before commencing.
The guide is divided into the following sections:
Simulating and Intercepting Key Events
Synchronizing FEP Instantiations
Detecting Changes in the Environment