Codec Resolver Overview

This document provides an overview of the Codec Resolver.


The Codec Resolver is a custom resolver for codec implementations.

Codec Resolver Library Details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short Description



These files are used for implementing the Codec Resolver.

Architectural Relationship

The Codec Resolver is part of the codec interface that supports both audio and video codecs and interacts with DevSound and DevVideo.


The Codec Resolver parses the opaque data from the codec's .RSS file. The Codec Resolver looks in the opaque data for:

  • <I> codec type UID

  • <s> source data type

  • <d> destination data type

Key Codec Resolver Classes

The functionality provided by the Codec Resolver is contained in the following classes:

Using Codec Resolver

You can use the Codec Resolver to:

  • Identify the most appropriate interface implementation.

  • List all implementations which satisfy the specified interface definition and the resolve parameters supplied.