This document introduces to the Overlay API.
This provides support for image overlays. It is used to overlay an image onto the viewfinder, snapshots, still images and video.
Overlay API Library Details
The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.
This is part of the camera component.
Overlay is an image which is superimposed on top of the main image with a required transparency. The main image can be a single image during image capture mode (still image/ burst/ bracket), video image frame, snapshot image, or image frames for viewfinder (direct or client-based).
The key classes that make up the Overlay are as follows:
CCamera::CCameraOverlay: This class provides support for image overlays. The client can use it to overlay an image onto the view finder, snapshots, still images and video. A client can create multiple overlays, where each overlay can be in a different format. The properties of an overlay can be changed after it has been created.
McameraOverlay: An interface class, for which Licensees need to provide implementation.
MCameraOverlay2: An interface class, for which the providers of the camera extension API for extra features of image overlays must provide implementation.
Clients can use the Overlay to: