Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in Overview

This document provides an overview of the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in.


The Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in instructs the Processing Unit (PU) Loader Plug-in to load and unload PUs.

Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in Library Details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short Description



These files are used for implementing the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in.

Architectural Relationship

The Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in is part of the codec interface and interacts with the Processing Unit (PU) Loader Plug-in.


The role of the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in is to:

  • Instruct CMdfPuLoader to load and unload a PU. Once a PU is loaded the Hardware Device Adapter has direct access to handles to PUs and I/O ports.

  • Instruct two ports to connect and create a tunnel via CMdfPuLoader.

Key Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in Classes

The functionality provided by the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in is contained in the following classes:

Using the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in

You can use the Hardware Device Adapter Plug-in to:

  • Load the PU Loader Plug-in.