Versit: Versit Example


This example code first creates a vCard parser using the CParserVCard class. Then it creates a NOTE property with a string literal as its value, using CParserGroupedProperty and CParserPropertyValue classes. The property is associated with the vCard parser using the CParserVCard::AddPropertyL() method. Finally, the vCard is externalized or exported to a file by calling the CParserVCard::ExternalizeL() method.

The example also shows how to internalize or import a vCard from a file. A session with the file server is established using the RFs class to read the vCard from the file using a file read stream (RFileReadStream class).

Note that the procedure to create a vCal parser using the CParserVCal class is similar to that of creating a vCard parser.


Click on the following link to download the example:

Click: browse to view the example code.


This is a console application and it builds an executable called VersitExample.exe in the standard location (\epoc32\release\winscw\ <build_variant> for CodeWarrior). After launching the executable, depending on the emulator you are using, you may need to navigate from the app launcher/shell screen to view the console.

Class Summary




See also

Using Versit