Antiword Example

Antiword is an Open C console-based application. ANTIWORD can be used for the following purposes:

converts a MS-word document (i.e. .doc) file in to a plain text(i.e. .txt) file.

converts a MS-word document (i.e. .doc) file in to a Adobe acrobat(i.e. .pdf) file.

converts MS-word document (i.e. .doc) file in to a post-script (i.e. .ps) file.

converts a MS-word document (i.e. .doc) file in to a xml (i.e. .xml) file.


Click on the following link to download the example:

Click: browse to view the example code.

Design and Implementation

The following sections provide information about the implementation of the example.


The following program capability is defined in the antiword.mmp file: CAPABILITY None

Implementation details of EXE

This application uses main() as the entry point for the application. This is simple console based application. Antiword is C application that is ported on the Open C which demonstrates the changes made in the application in order to work on Open C. All changes made to the open source code is under SYMBIAN macro. Some of the environment variables are set explicitly using the Open C's setenv() API. The fillArg() subroutine converts the given input command string to Linux's argv() format. Output of the conversion will be written to destination file i.e last commandline argument where as the original application expects the users to use the redirection operators for dumping the output to a target file. Some status messages will be prompted to the user in case of wrong input commands. The commandline help will be printed on the stdout using the original help text. The input data files (font and mapping files for conversion) are added in the /data/resources directory and this directory will be exported to the private folder of the Antiword application's, so that /private/A0001323/resources/ will be used as the ANTIWORD_HOME directory in the application. The application can be launched by clicking its icon in the emulator as well as in the device.


Antiword is not able to convert the embedded image or any other embedded multimedia objects from the document file. It converts only the text. Some of the related files, which supports the embedded images are commented in the mmp file as these files depend on the open source's sprite library.

Building and Using

The Symbian build process describes how to build this example application.

To build the Antiword application, go to the Antiword\group directory and build the application. The definition for the whole application can be found in the bld.inf file in the group subdirectory of the applications main directory.