Call Hold Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to place a call on hold with the telephony API for applications.


  1. create a new instance of [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]CTelephony
  2. use [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps() to check if the device supports hold function
  3. use [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]CTelephony::Hold() to place a call on hold Pass it the ID of the call to hold. The ID is the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]CTelephony::TCallId returned when you dialled or answered the call.
  4. pass the enumeration [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]CTelephony::EHoldCancel to cancel the asynchronous request

Call hold example

#include <e32base.h>
#include <Etel3rdParty.h>

class CClientApp : public CActive

    CTelephony* iTelephony;
    CTelephony::TCallId iCallId;

    CClientApp(CTelephony* aTelephony, CTelephony::TCallId aCallId);
    TInt SomeFunction();

       These are the pure virtual methods from CActive that  
       MUST be implemented by all active objects
    void RunL();
    void DoCancel();

CClientApp::CClientApp(CTelephony* aTelephony, CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)
    : CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    //default constructor

TInt CClientApp::SomeFunction()
    // Check that the phone supports holding calls.
    CTelephony::TCallCapsV1 callCapsV1;
    CTelephony::TCallCapsV1Pckg callCapsV1Pckg(callCapsV1);
    iTelephony->GetCallDynamicCaps(iCallId, callCapsV1Pckg);

    if( callCapsV1.iControlCaps & CTelephony::KCapsHold )
       // The call represented by 'iCallId' can be put on hold
       iTelephony->Hold(iStatus, iCallId);
       return KErrNone;
       // The call cannot be put on hold; 
       // return an error indicate this.
       return KErrNotSupported;

void CClientApp::RunL()
       {} // The call has been held successfully;

void CClientApp::DoCancel()