ApEngineConsts.h File Reference

#include <mw/ApEngineConsts.h>


const TIntKErrInvalidColumn

Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.


const TIntKErrInvalidBearer

The given bearer is not valid.


const TIntKErrInvalidDatabaseType

The type of the database is not valid.


const TIntKErrInvalidName

The name of the AP is not valid (length = 0).


const TIntKErrDescOverflow


const TIntKErrNullPointerPassed

The passed pointer was invalid = NULL.


const TIntKErrInvalidFilterType

The filter is not valid.


const TIntKErrInvalidBearerType

The bearer is not valid.


const TIntKErrInvalidIspRequest

The ISP type given is invalid.


const TIntKErrValueUnspecified

Used when the requested value was not specified in the database.


const TIntKApEngineMaxSql


const TIntKEApSortUidAscending

These constants are used to represent the sorting order used in CApSelect.

The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in ascending order.


const TIntKEApSortUidDescending

The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in descending order.


const TIntKEApSortNameAscending

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in ascending order.


const TIntKEApSortNameDescending

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in descending order.


const TIntKEApIspTypeInternetOnly

These enums are used to represent one the filtering criterias in CApSelect.

Filter allows only access points that are capable of only internet access.


const TIntKEApIspTypeWAPOnly

Filter allows only access points that are capable of only WAP access.


const TIntKEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP

Filter allows only access points that are capable of internet AND WAP access.


const TIntKEApIspTypeWAPMandatory

Filter allows only access points that are capable of WAP access AND contain mandatory WAP settings.


const TIntKEApIspTypeAll

No filtering is done, all access points are shown.


const TIntKEApIspTypeMMSMandatory

Filter allows only access points that are capable of MMS and contain MMS mandatory settings Starting Page


const TIntKModifiableTextLength


const TIntKModifiableLongTextLength


const TUint32KMaxAnalogueSpeed


const TUint32KMaxIsdnSpeed


const TUint32KMaxAnalogueSpeedWcdma


const TUint32KMaxIsdnSpeedWdma


const TLitC< sizeof(L"SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2 >KSqlSelectNum[static]


const TLitC< sizeof(L"SELECT * from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2KSqlSelectBaseNum[static]


const TLitC< sizeof(L"")/2 >KDynIpAddress[static]

'Dynamic' IP address to use in comparisons


const TLitC< sizeof(L"http:const static TLitC<sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2> KLocation ={sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2-1,L"Mobile" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCSD ={sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2-1,L"CSD Modem" }; const static TLitC<sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2> KModemBearerGPRS ={sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2-1,L"GPRS Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCDMA ={sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2-1,L"CDMA Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerWLAN ={sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2-1,L"WLANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerLAN ={sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2-1,L"LANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2> KModemBearerLANModem ={sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2-1,L"LANModem" };const TInt KRetryCount = 5;#define KRetryWaitconst TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000;const static TLitC<sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2> KDynIpv6Address ={sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2-1,L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2> KDaemonManagerName ={sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2-1,L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2> KConfigDaemonName ={sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2-1,L"!DhcpServ" };# 30 "x:/epoc32/include/mw/ApListItem.h" 2typedef struct { TBool iReadOnly; TUint32 iIapId; TBool iIsVpn; }TApListItemExtra;class CApListItem :public CBase { public: IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC(); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartPage, TBool aReadOnly = ETrue ); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( CApListItem* aItem ); IMPORT_C virtual ~CApListItem(); IMPORT_C void CopyFromL( const CApListItem& aCopyFrom ); protected: IMPORT_C CApListItem(); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartPage ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL(); public: IMPORT_C void SetItemL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C void SetItemL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartpage ); IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Uid(); IMPORT_C TCommsDbIspType Type(); IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerType(); IMPORT_C const TDesC& StartPage() const; IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly() const; TBool IsVpnAp() const; void SetVpnFlag( TBool aIsVpn ); protected: void CreateExtraL(); private: TCommsDbIspType iIspType; TUint32 iUid; HBufC* iName; HBufC* iStartPage; TApBearerType iBearerType; TApListItemExtra* iExt; protected: friend class CApSelect; friend class TApListItemUidKey; };# 23 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2# 1 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/inc/ApEngineLogger.h" 1#define APENGINE_LOGGER_H #define CLOG( body ) #define CDUMP( body )# 24 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2# 1 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/inc/ApEngineCommons.h" 1#define APENGINE_COMMONS_Hconst static TLitC<sizeof(L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" )/2> KSqlSelectBase ={sizeof(L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" )/2-1,L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"" )/2> KEmpty ={sizeof(L"" )/2-1,L"" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"%S" )/2> KFormat ={sizeof(L"%S" )/2-1,L"%S" };const static TLitC8<sizeof( "%S" )> KFormat8 ={sizeof( "%S" )-1, "%S" };LOCAL_C const TInt KR_ApEngineDefaultValue = 0;enum TApEnginePanicCodes { ENullPointer, EInvalidDbType, EWrongResourceFormat, EActiveApDbObserverNotFound, EInvalidColumn, EInvalidSpeed, ESqlError, ESanityCheckFailed, ENotSupported, EMenuCommandUnknown };class ApCommons { public: static void Panic( TApEnginePanicCodes aPanic ); static TBool StartPushedTransactionLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TBool aRetry = ETrue ); static void RollbackTransactionOnLeave( TAny* aDb ); static HBufC* DoMakeValidNameL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TBool& aChanged, HBufC* aName, TUint32 aUid, TBool aIsNew ); static HBufC* EnsureMaxLengthLC( const TDesC* aName, TBool& aChanged ); static TInt GetPostfix( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aPrefix ); static TPtrC GetPrefix( const TDesC& aName ); static TInt ReadUintL ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TUint32& aValue ); static TInt ReadBoolL ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TBool& aValue ); static HBufC* ReadLongTextLC ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TInt& aErrCode ); static HBufC* ReadLongTextL( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn ); static HBufC* EscapeTextLC( const TDesC& aLiteral ); static HBufC16* ReadText16ValueLC( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aCol ); static HBufC8* ReadText8ValueLC( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aCol ); static TBool DoGetReadOnlyL( CCommsDbTableView& aTable ); static TInt CommitTransaction( CCommsDatabase& aDb ); static TInt GetVariantL(); static TInt IsGivenSharedDataSupportL( const TUid aUid, const TUint32 aKey ); };# 25 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2 EXPORT_C CApListItem* CApListItem::NewLC() { ; CApListItem* db = new( ELeave ) CApListItem; CleanupStack::PushL( db ); db-ConstructL[static]

A start page, which have to be considered as invalid.

