#include <mw/ApEngineConsts.h>
const TInt | KErrInvalidColumn |
Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.
const TInt | KErrValueUnspecified |
Used when the requested value was not specified in the database.
const TInt | KEApSortUidAscending |
These constants are used to represent the sorting order used in CApSelect.
The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in ascending order.
const TInt | KEApSortUidDescending |
The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in descending order.
const TInt | KEApSortNameAscending |
The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in ascending order.
const TInt | KEApSortNameDescending |
The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in descending order.
const TInt | KEApIspTypeInternetOnly |
These enums are used to represent one the filtering criterias in CApSelect.
Filter allows only access points that are capable of only internet access.
const TInt | KEApIspTypeWAPOnly |
Filter allows only access points that are capable of only WAP access.
const TInt | KEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP |
Filter allows only access points that are capable of internet AND WAP access.
const TInt | KEApIspTypeWAPMandatory |
Filter allows only access points that are capable of WAP access AND contain mandatory WAP settings.
const TInt | KEApIspTypeMMSMandatory |
Filter allows only access points that are capable of MMS and contain MMS mandatory settings Starting Page
const TLitC< sizeof(L"")/2 > | KDynIpAddress | [static] |
'Dynamic' IP address to use in comparisons
const TLitC< sizeof(L"http:const static TLitC<sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2> KLocation ={sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2-1,L"Mobile" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCSD ={sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2-1,L"CSD Modem" }; const static TLitC<sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2> KModemBearerGPRS ={sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2-1,L"GPRS Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCDMA ={sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2-1,L"CDMA Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerWLAN ={sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2-1,L"WLANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerLAN ={sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2-1,L"LANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2> KModemBearerLANModem ={sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2-1,L"LANModem" };const TInt KRetryCount = 5;#define KRetryWaitconst TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000;const static TLitC<sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2> KDynIpv6Address ={sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2-1,L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2> KDaemonManagerName ={sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2-1,L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2> KConfigDaemonName ={sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2-1,L"!DhcpServ" };# 30 "x:/epoc32/include/mw/ApListItem.h" 2typedef struct { TBool iReadOnly; TUint32 iIapId; TBool iIsVpn; }TApListItemExtra;class CApListItem :public CBase { public: IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC(); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartPage, TBool aReadOnly = ETrue ); IMPORT_C static CApListItem* NewLC( CApListItem* aItem ); IMPORT_C virtual ~CApListItem(); IMPORT_C void CopyFromL( const CApListItem& aCopyFrom ); protected: IMPORT_C CApListItem(); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartPage ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL(); public: IMPORT_C void SetItemL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType ); IMPORT_C void SetItemL( TCommsDbIspType aIspType, TUint32 aUid, const TDesC& aName, TApBearerType aBearerType, const TDesC& aStartpage ); IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Uid(); IMPORT_C TCommsDbIspType Type(); IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerType(); IMPORT_C const TDesC& StartPage() const; IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly() const; TBool IsVpnAp() const; void SetVpnFlag( TBool aIsVpn ); protected: void CreateExtraL(); private: TCommsDbIspType iIspType; TUint32 iUid; HBufC* iName; HBufC* iStartPage; TApBearerType iBearerType; TApListItemExtra* iExt; protected: friend class CApSelect; friend class TApListItemUidKey; };# 23 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2# 1 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/inc/ApEngineLogger.h" 1#define APENGINE_LOGGER_H #define CLOG( body ) #define CDUMP( body )# 24 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2# 1 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/inc/ApEngineCommons.h" 1#define APENGINE_COMMONS_Hconst static TLitC<sizeof(L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" )/2> KSqlSelectBase ={sizeof(L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" )/2-1,L"SELECT *from%s WHERE%s='%S'" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"" )/2> KEmpty ={sizeof(L"" )/2-1,L"" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"%S" )/2> KFormat ={sizeof(L"%S" )/2-1,L"%S" };const static TLitC8<sizeof( "%S" )> KFormat8 ={sizeof( "%S" )-1, "%S" };LOCAL_C const TInt KR_ApEngineDefaultValue = 0;enum TApEnginePanicCodes { ENullPointer, EInvalidDbType, EWrongResourceFormat, EActiveApDbObserverNotFound, EInvalidColumn, EInvalidSpeed, ESqlError, ESanityCheckFailed, ENotSupported, EMenuCommandUnknown };class ApCommons { public: static void Panic( TApEnginePanicCodes aPanic ); static TBool StartPushedTransactionLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TBool aRetry = ETrue ); static void RollbackTransactionOnLeave( TAny* aDb ); static HBufC* DoMakeValidNameL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TBool& aChanged, HBufC* aName, TUint32 aUid, TBool aIsNew ); static HBufC* EnsureMaxLengthLC( const TDesC* aName, TBool& aChanged ); static TInt GetPostfix( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aPrefix ); static TPtrC GetPrefix( const TDesC& aName ); static TInt ReadUintL ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TUint32& aValue ); static TInt ReadBoolL ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TBool& aValue ); static HBufC* ReadLongTextLC ( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn, TInt& aErrCode ); static HBufC* ReadLongTextL( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aColumn ); static HBufC* EscapeTextLC( const TDesC& aLiteral ); static HBufC16* ReadText16ValueLC( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aCol ); static HBufC8* ReadText8ValueLC( CCommsDbTableView* atable, const TDesC& aCol ); static TBool DoGetReadOnlyL( CCommsDbTableView& aTable ); static TInt CommitTransaction( CCommsDatabase& aDb ); static TInt GetVariantL(); static TInt IsGivenSharedDataSupportL( const TUid aUid, const TUint32 aKey ); };# 25 "x:/sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/apengine/apeng/src/ApListItem.cpp" 2 EXPORT_C CApListItem* CApListItem::NewLC() { ; CApListItem* db = new( ELeave ) CApListItem; CleanupStack::PushL( db ); db- | ConstructL | [static] |
A start page, which have to be considered as invalid.