smut.h File Reference

#include <app/smut.h>


const TUidKUidMsgTypeSMS


Used to identify the MTMs used for handling SMS messages.


const TIntKSmsDescriptionLength

The default maximum length used when extracting a description for an SMS message.

Used as default value of aMaxLength in TSmsUtilities::GetDescription. This function is used to extract a string to used as a suitable description field in the message index for a particular SMS message.

The CSmsSettings provides accessors to get and set the preferred maximum description length.

DeprecatedThis should not really be used outside of the SMS client MTM. The value provided by the CSmsSettings class should be used.

See also: CSmsSettings::GetDescriptionLength


const TIntKSmsDetailsLength

The default maximum length used when extracting the sender/recipiant details for an SMS message.

Used as default value of aMaxLength in TSmsUtilities::GetDetails. This function is used to extract a string to used as the details field in the message index for a particular SMS message.

DeprecatedThis should really be used at all.


const TLitC< sizeof(L"\\resource\\messaging\\SMSS.RSC")/2 >KSmsResourceFile[static]