#include <mmf/common/mmfvideo.h>
const TInt | KMMFVariableVideoBitRate |
The use of this constant as either a parameter for CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoBitRateL or as a return value from CVideoRecorderUtility::VideoBitRateL signifies that a variable video bit rate is being used.
const TInt | KMMFNoMaxClipSize |
CVideoRecorderUtility::SetMaxClipSizeL can take this constant instead of a byte value. This signifies there should be no max clip size
const TUid | KMMFEventCategoryVideoOpenComplete |
CVideoPlayerUtility/CVideoRecorderUtility HandleEvent() code : the video source file has been successfully opened
const TUid | KMMFEventCategoryVideoPrepareComplete |
The unique identifier for the event that indicates that the video has been prepared for recording.