how to implement encoder and decoder plug-ins for the Image Converter Library.
A decoder converts an image in a particular format into a CFbsBitmap
an encoder does the reverse. In the example, the Portable Network Graphics
(PNG) format is handled.
The program is an ECom plug-in that implements:
the decoder plug-in
interface CImageDecoderPlugin
by the class CPngDecoder
the decoder data reader
interface CImageReadCodec
by the class CPngReadCodec
the encoder plug-in
interface CImageEncoderPlugin
by the class CPngEncoder
the encoder data writer
interface CImageWriteCodec
by the class CPngWriteCodec
The PNG format allows data to be stored in a number of different
scanline formats (colour/grey-scale depths), so specialist classes are provided
to read and write these formats. Scanline reader classes are derived from CPngReadSubCodec
writer classes from CPngWriteSubCodec
Click on the following link to download the example: ICLCodec.zip file
Click: browse to view the example code.
CImageDecoderPlugin CImageReadCodec CImageEncoderPlugin CImageWriteCodec