Receiving Data from the Remote Device


When a remote device sends the first data packet, the MLlcpConnLessListener::FrameReceived() callback is called. The remote connection is stored and COwnLlcpConnection::Receive() is called. Once the first data packet is completed immediately, and COwnLlcpConnection::Receive() is repeated.


  1. Call the CMyOwnLlcpApplication::FrameReceived() method and store the remote connection, as shown in the following code snippet:

    // CMyOwnLlcpApplication::FrameReceived()
    // From MLlcpConnLessListener
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void CMyOwnLlcpApplication::FrameReceived( MLlcpConnLessTransporter* aConnection )
        TInt error = KErrNone;
        // Only accepting one incoming remote connection
        if ( !iRemoteConnection )
            // Creating a wrapper for the connection. 
            TRAP( error, iRemoteConnection = COwnLlcpConnection::NewL( aConnection ) );
            if ( error == KErrNone )
                // Start receiving the data
                iRemoteConnection->Receive( *this );
                delete aConnection;
            delete aConnection;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // End of CMyOwnLlcpApplication::FrameReceived()
  2. Implement the COwnLlcpConnection::Receive() method as shown in the following code snippet:

    // COwnLlcpConnection::Receive()
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TInt COwnLlcpConnection::Receive( MLlcpTransmitCb& aLlcpTransmitCb )
        TInt error = KErrNone;
        if ( iActionState == EIdle )
            TInt length = 0;
            length = iConnection->SupportedDataLength();
            if ( length > 0 )
                error = iReceiveBuf.ReAlloc( length );
                if ( error == KErrNone )
                    iConnection->Receive( iStatus, iReceiveBuf );
                    iActionState = EReceiving;
                    iLlcpTransmitCb = &aLlcpTransmitCb
                // If the length is 0 or negative, the LLCP link is destroyed.
                error = KErrNotReady;
            // The connection is already connecting or transferring data, 
            // Cannot start receiving.
            error = KErrInUse;
        return error;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // End of COwnLlcpConnection::Receive()


    • The COwnLlcpConnection::Receive() method cannot start receiving data if there are any pending transfer or receive requests. In such a scenario, KErrInUse is returned.

    • An LLCP link between the local and remote devices can be removed anytime and hence the MLlcpConnLessTransporter::SupportedDataLength() method can return negative values and must be handled correctly.

    The following diagram illustrates the sequence diagram of data receiving: