To obtain a suitable converter, complete the following steps:
Create a CCnaConverterList
object and use it to get
the UID of the converter that convert from a particular data type to another.
Create the converter (a CConverterBase2
-based object)
using CCnaConverterList::NewConverterL()
. The converter architecture
loads the converter DLL and instantiates the converter object from it.
Check whether the converter supports file or stream conversion using CConverterBase2::Capabilities()
The following code snippet creates a converter that can convert files of data type text/abc to type text/xyz.
_LIT( KFromType, "text/abc" ); _LIT( KToType, "text/xyz" ); CCnaConverterList* list = CCnaConverterList::NewLC(); TUid uid = list->ConverterL( TDataType( KFromType ), TDataType( KToType ) ); CConverterBase* converter = list->NewConverterL( uid ); User::LeaveIfNull( converter ); if( !( converter->Capabilities() & CConverterBase::EConvertsFiles ) ) { delete converter; converter = NULL; } CleanupStack::PushL( converter ); ... CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // list, converter