Hiding item-specific commands in menus

The item-specific commands and item-action commands in options menu must be flagged with the EEikMenuItemSpecific and EEikMenuItemAction flags introduced in Symbian^3. This enables the UI framework to hide them in the options menu and display them only in the stylus pop-up menu. The touch down and hold action opens the stylus pop-up menu. Touch down and release performs an action.


Actions like opening a radio button list and virtual input are performed on the first tap. These actions are normally handled by the UI framework. However, if your application contains an implementation of its own for handling these actions (for example, opening a custom component on the second tap) it must be changed to follow the single-tap style.


  • Add the EEikMenuItemAction flag to all item-action commands in your options menu resource definitions. Menu item-action commands are functions that are called during touch down and release on an item (for example, Open action).

    For example,

     *AppList View menuitems (Counters)
    RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_logs_applist_menu
     items =
       command = ELogsCmdMenuOpen;
       txt = qtn_logs_cmd_open;
    // Include the following line to the list-item action commands
       flags =EEikMenuItemAction;
  • Add the EEikMenuItemSpecific flag to all (other than item-action) item-specific commands in options menu resource definitions.

    For example,

    RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_common_event_menu_send_events
     items =
      MENU_ITEM /* Send */
       command = ELogsCmdMenuSendUi;
       txt = qtn_stm_om_send;
    //Add the following line to the list item-specific commands
       flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
      MENU_ITEM /* Clear list */
      { command = ELogsCmdMenuDeleteAll;
       txt = qtn_stm_om_delete_all; }

    Note: An application view containing

    forms need not flag item-specific commands, as forms are always highlighted.
  • If your application code dynamically adds or removes menu items, you must change the flag value of the menu pane using the CEikMenuPane::SetItemSpecific() function.

    For example,

    /* Add send message item to menu above position pos */
    TInt pos = 0;
    /* Returns pointer to menu item */
    aMenuPane->ItemAndPos(ELogsCmdMenuSendUi, pos);
    /* Delete marker item from menu */
    /* No need here yet to tailor subitems in SendUi menu */
    TSendingCapabilities capabilities(0, 0, 0);
      *aMenuPane, pos, /* Position in menupane */ ELogsCmdMenuSendUi, /* Command id to be used for "Send" menu item */
    aMenuPane->SetItemTextL(ELogsCmdMenuSendUi, iSendUiText->Des());
    // Include the following line to dynamically change the flag value
    aMenuPane->SetItemSpecific(ELogsCmdMenuSendUi, ETrue);