This tutorial describes how to get the simple data line status with the telephony API for applications.
to get the data line status Pass [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CTelephony']]]EDataLine
as the parameter. TCallStatusV1
object that contains the data line status information CTelephony* telephony = CTelephony::NewLC(); CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 callStatusV1; CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 ); CTelephony::TPhoneLine line = CTelephony::EDataLine; telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg ); CTelephony::TCallStatus dataLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );