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00028 <para>
00029 Ogg is a <ulink url="http://www.xiph.org/">Xiph.org Foundation</ulink> effort
00030 to protect essential tenets of Internet multimedia from corporate
00031 hostage-taking; Open Source is the net's greatest tool to keep
00032 everyone honest. See <ulink url="http://www.xiph.org/about.html">About
00033 the Xiph.org Foundation</ulink> for details.
00034 </para>
00036 <para>
00037 Ogg Vorbis is the first Ogg audio CODEC. Anyone may freely use and
00038 distribute the Ogg and Vorbis specification, whether in a private,
00039 public or corporate capacity. However, the Xiph.org Foundation and
00040 the Ogg project (xiph.org) reserve the right to set the Ogg Vorbis
00041 specification and certify specification compliance.</para>
00043 <para>
00044 Xiph.org's Vorbis software CODEC implementation is distributed under a
00045 BSD-like license. This does not restrict third parties from
00046 distributing independent implementations of Vorbis software under
00047 other licenses.</para>
00049 <para>
00050 Ogg, Vorbis, Xiph.org Foundation and their logos are trademarks (tm)
00051 of the <ulink url="http:
00052 pages are copyright (C) 1994-2004 Xiph.org Foundation. All rights
00053 reserved.</para>
00055 <para>
00056 This document is set in DocBook XML.
00057 </para>
00059 </appendix>
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