Other window server events

When an event occurs under the window server, the framework calls the HandleWsEventL() function of the UI controller object. To implement an event-handling code for a certain event, HandleWsEventL() must be overridden. In order to ensure that the system works correctly, after catching an event in the overridden HandleWsEventL() function the base class implementation should be called. The event type is identified by TEventCode, which is a data member of the window server event, TWsEvent.

void HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent,CCoeControl* 

All the event types are defined in the w32std.h header.

Note that some event types are not implemented in the system or are not available for third-party applications. All event codes from TEventCode:EEventUser upwards can be used for the application-specific events (discussed in Application-specific events). The following is a code example of the usage of a window server event:

void CMyAppUi::HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent,
       CCoeControl* aDestination)
       // Call the base class implementation
       CEikAppUi::HandleWsEventL(aEvent, aDestination);
       if (aEvent.Type() == EEventKeyDown)
             // Do something
             iEikonEnv->InfoMsg(_L(“Key was pressed”));