Figure: Status pane with two tabs
The following resource definition produces a status pane that contains two tabs, seen in the figure above. The application framework sets the Context pane and Title pane, because they were not given.
RESOURCE EIK_APP_INFO { status_pane = r_tst_status_pane; } RESOURCE STATUS_PANE_APP_MODEL r_tst_status_pane { panes = { SPANE_PANE { id = EEikStatusPaneUidNavi; type = EAknCtNaviPane; resource = r_tst_navi_decorator; } }; } RESOURCE NAVI_DECORATOR r_tst_navi_decorator { type = ENaviDecoratorControlTabGroup; control = TAB_GROUP { tab_width = EAknTabWidthWithTwoTabs; // two tabs active = 0; tabs = { TAB { id = ETstView1Tab; // from application hrh txt = View1; }, TAB { id = ETstView2Tab; txt = View2; } }; }; }
The above example also includes the use of Tabs. For more information on using tabs, see Tabs API.