"1", "null", "Feb. 26, 2015 07:34 [GMT]", "Support Functions Maintenance (Mar. 1)", "2", "2", "At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on the database server that houses various support functions. During this time, the following support functions will be unavailable:&br;&br;- Inquiries from the Support Center&br;- Inquiries from FINAL FANTASY XI’s in-game “Support Desk”&br;&br;※Users will still be able to view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and News, as well as other non-inquiry functions.&br;&br;We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We ask for your cooperation and patience, and that you please wait on contacting us until after the maintenance period.&br;&br;[Date & Time]&br;Mar. 1, 2015 23:00 to Mar. 2, 2015 01:00 (GMT)&br;* The maintenance period is subject to change. "