"1", "null", "May 19, 2015 18:22 [GMT]", "FINAL FANTASY XI Updated (May 19)", "2", "4", "A version update was performed on FINAL FANTASY XI at the following time.&br;&br;* Clients will update automatically upon launch after the date and time below. After the following time, the update will automatically begin after you press the "Play" button. After that, please follow the instructions on the screen.&br;&br;[Date & Time]&br;May 19, 2015 17:00 (GMT)&br;&br;[Affected Service]&br;- FINAL FANTASY XI&br;&br;[Update Details]&br;* The completion objective for the 13th Vana’versary event “Behemoth Battle” has been adjusted.&br;&br;* The following issues have been fixed.&br;&br;- Second floor to the mog house could not be added, even when all requirements had been met.&br;* If you are still affected by this issue, first go out of the area to any land adjoining the one in which your mog house is located, and the fix will be reflected upon return.&br;&br;- Entering a mog house to which one was invited sometimes triggered the event for building the second floor to the mog house.&br;&br;- “Scope II” and “Accelerator III” would occasionally fail to appear on the attachments list even after trading for them with the NPC “Tateeya” at Aht Urhgan Whitegate.&br;&br;- The item that was needed to trade for the grisly trinket “Ionos’s webbing” with the NPC “Affi” in Escha - Zi'Tah was incorrect.&br;&br;- The maximum limit for escha silt was incorrect.&br;&br;- In Records of Eminence, the limited-time objective “Defeat using physical damage” is listed in the objective’s title as well as in its explanation as “Defeat using weapons skills.”&br;&br;- The name for “Frayed Sack (Mel)” was incorrect.&br;&br;- The “Allied Ring” item could not be exchanged for even if your nation controls “Throne Room (S)” in the Allied Campaign during the Shadowreign Era.&br;&br;- The item parameters on the following items were incorrect.&br;&br; DMG&br;Nibiru Chopper&br;Before:DMG 287&br;After:DMG 293&br;&br; Delay&br;Nibiru Lance&br;Before:Delay 501&br;After:Delay 492&br;&br; DMG and Delay&br;Nibiru Sickle&br;Before:DMG 300 Delay 492&br;After: DMG 290 Delay 501&br;&br;&br;- The damage type for “Blurred Claymore” and “Blurred Claymore +1” was incorrect.&br;&br;- There was a discrepancy between the perceived ranged and actual range of the area effect from Enchantment: Meteor with the “Onca Suit”.&br;&br;- There were Alchemy synthesis recipes that required the special Goldsmithing ability “Clockmaking”.&br;&br;- The special pet action “Somersault” had an extra half-width space at the end of the name."