" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;10/07/2013 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Repeat Login Campaign No. 1 Starts Today!&style;&br; &br; Today marks the start of Repeat Login Campaign No. 1, an event celebrating the eleventh Vana'versary of FINAL FANTASY XI! Each day (Earth time) that you log in to FINAL FANTASY XI during the campaign, we will reward you with special login points that may be traded in for specific in-game items!&br;&br;Campaign Period:&br;Wednesday, July 10, 2013, at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) to Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at 7:59 a.m.&br;*In the event that you are already logged in when the campaign begins, you can receive login points by either zoning into a different area or logging out and logging back in.&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/VgP&br;&br; "