" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;22/08/2013 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Arciela's Diary&style;&br; &br; A good day to you, fine pioneer. My name is Grennith and I serve as the chief lady-in-waiting of the Order of Adoulin.&br;&br;Though in name we are but one of the twelve orders, in truth we are first among equals, with our leader serving as the both head of the grand alliance and as the face of our great city whom we put forth to all the realms of Vana'diel.&br;&br;This owes to our storied lineage, which we trace back to the founder king himself. Both Grand Chancellor Ygnas and his younger sister, the fair Arciela, have studied history, letters, and decorum to the extent that they are now shining exemplars of the regime.&br;&br;Though I must admit, Arciela has a certain wild streak in her—a free spirit, if you will—and can be flexible to a fault.&br;&br;Forgive me. I did not mean to speak ill our out beloved princess.&br;&br;Those of our order must first earn the trust and respect of the citizenry if we are to lead as an order should. Our words and actions are seen and judged by all. We must measure up to the standards set for us and never falter, lest the citizenry lose faith in us.&br;&br;Arciela has espoused this philosophy even since she was but a babe.&br;&br;Yet still, who among us could have suspected that she would write down her personal reflections in a diary, with the intent that they be made available to the public after her passing?&br;&br;Furthermore, she asked one of the maidens in my charge to correct any misspellings or omitted information. "It is so I do not bring down travesty unto you," she reassured us...&br;&br;But these alterations may have gone a step too far. Dare I say that some may even be called fabrications?&br;&br;"Cynthia, could you please come here?"&br;"Of course."&br;"It wouldn't hurt to open your mouth before spoken to once in a while."&br;"I think...one should be more aware of the reader."&br;"So that's why you arranged it like this?"&br;"...It's very well written. She did a good job."&br;"Stop patronizing me! There's a reason you were chosen for this job. There are many who would like to curry favor with the princess."&br;&br;It pains me to admit that a little extra training is needed before she is able to adequately edit the princess' manuscript.&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/AkN&br;&br; "