" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;29/10/2013 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Arboreal Maledictions&style;&br; &br; Our amazing analysts at the Adoulin Examiner are back with their third enchanting exposition!&br;&br;In our last issue, the dynamic duo sought to question a quirky man dressed in black...but their valiant efforts ended in vain.&br;&br;I wonder who he was, kupo...&br;&br;Setting that aside, in this astounding article Fam and Owl attend to the magnificent mysteries of the Ulbukan continent.&br;&br;To think! A genteel girl gallivanting through the wilds! Her family must be furious, kupo!&br;&br;But this time, they took with them a young woman affiliated with the Order of Weatherspoon, which asserts authority equal to the omnipotent Order of Adoulin.&br;&br;Why? Well, with exceptional exorcists like...what's his name...that's right, Vortimere! Vortimere commands the highest heights of respect.&br;&br;You know, for many moons, men have told tales of the "curse of the forest"...could it be related to the exorcists, kupo?&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/Z76&br;&br; "