" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;16/01/2014 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Melvien's Personal Reflections: Box Garden World&style;&br; &br; Oh, you're the, umm, adventurer...what was your name again? You seem as busy as always. &br;&br;What is it that I am holding, you ask? It's a playboard. I found it when I was cleaning the mansion. Master instructed me to move it to the outbuilding, as it's a bit too large to keep here.&br;&br;Oh, you're interested in it, are you? &br;You're certainly welcome to take a look. It covers the entire table when you unfold it. Look, drawn over here is... &br;&br;The continent of Ulbuka, you say?&br;Ah, so you know of the place. That is precisely right. By the way, do you know of "The Great Expedition?" This playboard is a game that depicts the events of The Great Expedition. The game was immensely popular when my master was still a student... I myself was allowed to play it once in the past, but oh my, it was a challenge.&br;&br;You wish to play?&br;Hm...now where did the instruction book get to...&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/3o2&br;&br; "