" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;04/02/2014 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;From Melvien's Journal: The Ingrid Nobody Knows&style;&br; &br; Oh! My oh my, what a surprise.&br;It has certainly been awhile.&br;And how goes your work with colonization? &br;&br;Oh-ho.&br;So we've progressed that far already, have we?&br;&br;Reminds me of the Great Expedition of old, it does.&br;&br;According to the annals of history, they managed to delve fairly deep into the hinterlands of Ulbuka back then.&br;Though that was long before my time, before I was even born...&br;&br;Still, Ulbuka is dangerous territory.&br;"It is brimming with evil and impurity; one mustn't go near it!"&br;I remember often hearing those words from my mother.&br;Please do be careful.&br;After all, exorcists are the only ones who can purge the evil.&br;&br;By the way, speaking of exorcists – I hear the most powerful of them, the Weatherspoon prodigy, has returned to Adoulin.&br;&br;Ah, you've met already, have you?&br;But I must say, that girl has changed considerably from the child she once was... Yes, she's very different now.&br;&br;Oh dear.&br;I'm afraid I have overstepped my bounds.&br;Please ignore my words...&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/LiX&br;&br; "