" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;17/02/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;New Seekers of Adoulin Missions to Emerge &style;&br; &br; Come the February 18 version update, the veil begins to lift on the mystery-shrouded action that descended upon Adoulin months ago. Riddles will be solved, questions will be answered, and battles will unfold as pioneers clear the way to understanding on the primordial continent of Ulbuka.&br;&br;Arciela becomes slave to the winds of fate, a resplendent tiger of mountainous proportions is sighted stalking the jungle, and disaster the likes of legend is mere ilms away from befalling the Sacred City of Adoulin.&br;&br;What does it all mean for Middle Landers who have arrived on the shores of this island nation and become embroiled in its civil dispute over colonization? Slip into your brawling boots and trek into the hinterland to find out! &br;&br; "